Rabu, 24 April 2013

Organizational Structure

Pepsi Co. is a large company made up of many different divisions and an example would be PepsiCo Americas Beverages (PAB). There looks to be six different divisions in the Pepsi Co. Pepsi is a global company. Not only do they have to coordinate the many different divisions but they have to do it from all over the world. These divisions help to accomplish that goal of keeping the company on top doing well. Zein Abdalla is the president of Pepsi Co. Then underneath him there are six different Chief financial officers for all the different divisions. This is the hierarchy or command in the Pepsi Company.

            PepsiCo has four different global business units. These units are PepsiCo Americas Beverages, PepsiCo Americas Foods, PepsiCo Europe, PepsiCo Middle East and Africa. Each of these four different global business units has businesses under them. They all have different ones. This is how it is split up globally.

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