Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

18,000 Microsoft Jobs Gone... Eventually?

1. Cut Once.

2. Cut Deeply.

And might I humbly add:

3. Cut Quickly.

As of this morning, we're looking to cut 18,000 Microsoft positions including around half of the Nokia destruction-palooza orchestrated by Mr. Elop and Mr. Ballmer.

How does this affect all of Microsoft? Redmond? That's a bit unknown. Just looking at the State of Washington WARN site, I don't see a notification from Microsoft yet: http://www.esd.wa.gov/newsandinformation/warn/ .

And that concerns me because now you have a level of stress and anxiety at Microsoft. First, the selfish stress about whether my job is affected. Then personal circle stress. Then partner collaboration stress. Then way out there general concerns about the company. And guess what: when folks are stressed and gossiping, they are not effectively - er, excuse me, productively (?) - implementing the latest strategy. Physiologically, they have increased cortisol and this time will turn into a fog.

That's why I hope that Cut Quickly happens. Without it, we're back to our first layoff experience. If anything broke the back of this blog, it was the first big Microsoft layoff back in 2009. How? How could the realization of a step towards Mini-Microsoft do that? Because it was implemented so poorly, with constant worries and concerns and doubts about engaging in new ideas due to expectations those would be the easiest to trim during ongoing cut-backs. When was it over? When was the "all clear" signal given?

So if this truly drags on for a year: we need a new leader. This needs to be wrapped up by the end of July. 2014.

One last small comment: yeah, everyone loves to flatten, including me. But to truly flatten engineering at Microsoft we need to decide that people management is actually a well invested career path. Most developers I know that become Leads are invariably harmless as a manager but spend most of their time deeply technical because they know that's where the rewards are. For the others that I know that have embraced becoming a people manager and have excelled there: well, if they get flattened into an Individual Contributor then they might as well leave Microsoft. Bless their hearts, but if they had to reconstitute their Dev skills to match the career ladder level they climbed to as a leader, they are sorely out of luck. I'll be honest with them. I hope all the other leaders out there are just as honest.


Thoughts? Are you affected? The one bit of advice I can pass on from the previous round of layoffs: don't leave any HR 1:1 meeting without being absolutely satisfied you know everything you need to know and have everything to move forward. Because once you're out the door, for all the assurances you're going to get, it's super-hard to make a connection for more information and follow-up.

Now, excuse me, I'm sure I'll have a busy morning. And like all of you, I'm keeping an eye out for a sudden HR Generalist meeting that pops up on my calendar... until I hear the All Clear.

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Steve Ballmer is Going to Frickin' Retire From Microsoft!


Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to retire within 12 months


Moving forward


Microsoft's next CEO Who's on the short list ZDNet





A well prepared blogger, even a crusty spider-web covered 99.9%-retired one like me, would have at least had a post ready to go for this glorious circumstance, like how most news organizations have obituaries written up and ready to publish. I had no such optimism that this would be happening before 2017.

To me, this throws the whole in-process re-org upside down. Why re-org under the design of the exiting leader? Even if the Senior Leadership Team goes forward saying that they support the re-org, it's undermined by everyone who is a part of it now questioning whether the new leader will undo and recraft the decisions being made now. I'd much rather Microsoft be organized under the vision of the new leader and their vision.

As for that new leader? Let the guessing game begin. How about first crafting the list of skills. Microsoft is huge and complex and Ballmer does has to be respected for running something as crazy as Microsoft to the point where it always seemed like no one could possibly replace him.

The first skill I'm putting down on my CEO job requisition is: "Has architected and implemented software features at the Principal level." Yeah, I want someone who has written complex software to run a big huge software (and devices) company. Crazy.

What are your thoughts?

This is going to be in interesting 2013 Company Meeting. As for Ballmer's habit of coming out to an inspirational song, may I suggest Dancing in the Street. Because that's what my heart is playing right now. And of course, we need an exit song, too. Something, that perhaps begins with:

"Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, Hey-Hey-Hey. -"

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


PepsiCo is a big innovation company. They have so many different lines of drinks from sodas to waters and they seem to do such a good job with the changing with the times. With the health concern that has been happening there has been a trend of the healthier drinks coming out on the market. With that being said they seem to foster innovation within their company to keep up with the trends in the market. They also have innovation in the technology and how they get their product out for example their vending machines and their dispensaries that they have in restaurants which is making them more technologically advanced which is changing with the times.

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Organizational Structure

Pepsi Co. is a large company made up of many different divisions and an example would be PepsiCo Americas Beverages (PAB). There looks to be six different divisions in the Pepsi Co. Pepsi is a global company. Not only do they have to coordinate the many different divisions but they have to do it from all over the world. These divisions help to accomplish that goal of keeping the company on top doing well. Zein Abdalla is the president of Pepsi Co. Then underneath him there are six different Chief financial officers for all the different divisions. This is the hierarchy or command in the Pepsi Company.

            PepsiCo has four different global business units. These units are PepsiCo Americas Beverages, PepsiCo Americas Foods, PepsiCo Europe, PepsiCo Middle East and Africa. Each of these four different global business units has businesses under them. They all have different ones. This is how it is split up globally.

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Pepsi Employee Culture

Pepsi Company has some interesting culture. Pepsi co has many incentives to get their employees to do the things that help the company succeed. Some of these incentives are insurances like medical and dental to also having retirement plans.  They also strive to help to help their employees be very healthy by giving tools and resources for being both physically healthy and also having financial counseling so that their employees can succeed. They also offer help if families need it by offering many different assistance programs for employees that may need help. Pepsi co seems so invested into their employees so they feel safe in their work environment and situation.


Jumat, 05 April 2013

Global Company

Pepsi Company is on the heals of Coca Cola Company when it comes to their global markets. Pepsi has been expanding its growth with the setting up of product supplies in more countries than had already have had presence in already. Pepsi has a foot in the door in over 200 counties according to the Pepsi Co website. In 2009, Pepsi Co had a two big deals that got them two huge advantages in their competitive market of the global soda market. These two big deals were through China and Latin America which got their feet in markets that were controlled by Coca Cola before.
Overall, it seems as though Pepsi Company has made their product global and sustained the market that they have had for a long time. Pepsi has many other substitutes that it has to compete with in both the global market and the United States market.